March 19th 2018
8:40 am
My cousin Dawn & I were hanging out at Meme’s (My Grandmother’s) house by ourselves. We were watching TV and I felt like something wasn’t right. We took pictures together and when we looked, one had turned into drawings of us, but then they morphed into cartoon men. On her side was a holy man and on my side was a man with fire. We were trying to figure out what it meant, then on TV we saw a man swimming and a fireball was chasing him in the water! I told her that I think God is telling us something. We somehow found out he was telling us to drink water to put out the fire inside of us because the devil was trying to take over, so we ran to the fridge and each got water and started chugging it!
Then my parents came and we switched to my house. The whole family was over, Dawn and I were playing with my baby cousin Gwen, and Dawn put on a short, funny looking curly wig and for some reason I wanted to call her Grandma Curly😂
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