Lucid Dream
July 2nd 2019
7:34 am
For sure had dream between 6:30 and 7:34, I had woken up
Had a lot of dreams, a couple with Grandaddy (My Grandfather, who passed years ago).
One dream, I was at my Meme & Grandaddy’s house. I was helping Meme pick clothes to wear. She kept trying on different pinks. At one point, I felt like there were ghosts in the house and I was going to see one (like maybe MawMaw, my Great Grandmother). Then the feeling was strong, and just in case, I said, “God bless this house” a few times and imagined white light around it. I think I also said, “Angels and Grandaddy please protect us and this house”
Then I was having a normal dream, or maybe still that one^ but right before I woke up, my dream switched FAST and I was in Meme & Grandaddy’s room again. (Meme, Dad, maybe Mom & Kae in the room also?)
Grandaddy was sitting and talking to me, but this time he wanted my full attention. (He may have said Holly) I almost asked what was wrong because he was looking at me intensely. (I think I said yeah or what is it?) and then he said,
“I Love You.”
And right before he said it, I realized I was dreaming. I realized how CLEAR he was and I knew that he was visiting me.
I went to hug him, I said I loved him too, and in the middle of it he turned into Dad, but I think Grandaddy’s presence was still there for a little bit. Dad seemed kind of confused after a second and I felt like everyone was trying to tell me something, like it wasn’t Grandaddy anymore?
For More: Lucid Dreams
As I’m thinking about it now, maybe he didn’t have much time? Maybe that’s why I was jerked from the other dream.
(Also, woke up and had to take a couple deep breaths, from the hug, I felt kinda heavy)
9:02 pm
After my Dream of Grandaddy Saying “I Love You”, Zalia, my cousin who’s a Psychic Medium, said she saw Grandaddy smiling really big and looking at me saying, “I Love You Back” like in the dream❤️
For More: Synchronicities
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