The Courtroom Concert


March 16th 2018

In a huge stadium/courtroom with my family and my friend Brenna. We were witnesses on a trial giving information about a family who was fighting with another family. 

There were some people I didn’t know who were watching in the audience, but there were also groups of people from high school that I knew were there to support us. Out of nowhere, a boy we know named Brando comes in with a pokemon hat and sits behind Brenna (who I notice suddenly has her really short hair cut from like 5th or 6th grade).

At this point, there’s an intermission, and the center of the room turns into some kinda concert with a huge screen playing videos in the background. The Pokemon Theme Song comes on while Brando, Brenna & I go up through the bleachers to see people. On our way down, a lot of people had left & they pushed the bottom bleachers in. They turned into blow-up mattresses and the edges of them were sticking out a little, so we had to be careful not to slip. Then, the song “Too Close” by Alex Clare started playing, so I went to my seat and started jammin to it until I woke up! 


***When I woke up on the 17th, I found out it was actually Brando’s Birthday in real life.

*** On The 18th, I told my Mom about the dream and she said that that night (the night of the 17th) she had a dream I was on trial for something I didn’t do, but I was always gonna be known for it. I had papers to say I didn’t do it in case people ask or don’t believe me. It wasn’t a crime, I just signed something I shouldn’t have and it could have been avoided somehow.

Later, my Dad has a dream that he was a police officer and he went into a house where this girl was because they needed to arrest her. He found her on the bed and as he got closer he noticed it was me. He tried to get me up, but I wouldn’t move. He said that at the point the girl turned into me, whatever I was getting taken for wasn’t as big a deal. I did something, but it wasn’t a huge crime. 

He didn’t know about my or my mom’s dreams before he told me this.






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